Year 6 Home Learning - Week Beginning 20-04-20


Year 6! It has been brilliant to see that you are still sending in examples of the work that you are doing at home. Seeing your work has made me smile, it is reassuring to know that you are keeping active (Alex) and that you are joining the ‘chicken owners club’ that I have just made up but now includes me, Miss Whitley, Lilly (and the family) and Alex (and the family).

Going into the summer term, our topic of work is to be ‘Inventions and Discoveries.’ This is a brilliant topic that will hopefully lead to more examples of year 6 work being sent in to be shared on our website.

We have looked, in previous weeks, at Darwin and the discoveries that he made and shared with the world. You can continue any work that you are doing on him, Grace, I am sure that some of his drawings and sketches of the plants and animals he encountered on his Galapagos adventures may interest you if you have not already looked into them.

Charles Darwin was a Victorian. It is true to say that some of the inventions of the Victorian Era shaped the world, so this week:

English: Research

This week I would like you to research the different Victorian inventions that shaped the modern world. Complete an explanation text explaining what the impact of the invention you have chosen has been or why it was such a success. You could also explain what it took the place of and how this played a part in the Industrial revolution. I have added a link to a document outlining the key features you should be using in your explanation text but please focus on the quality of your writing, look back at the year 6 writing objectives or
ITAFS which I posted in the blog ‘Year 6 Home Learning - Week Beginning 30-03-20’

Spellings: As part of your work this week, please study the year 5/6 spellings words, create a bank of words that you may wish to use in your explanation text and make sure to spell them correctly in your writing. I
know that some of you enjoyed focusing in on the etymology or ‘word origin’ for some of your spelling words in the past, this may be something you can do this week.

Maths: I have added a link to the White Rose Maths Hub – Home Learning page for year 6. Please use this page to follow the work being set for year 6 children. There are daily lessons with explanations as well as a
challenge. This week’s work links in with the angles work I have set previously and so should hopefully build on previous learning.

D&T: This term the focus is on creating your own invention. The best place to start however, is to focus in on someof the inventions of others. This week I would like you to take inspiration from other inventors, can you find the most wild and wacky inventions that have been created out there? Are there any outrageous record-breaking inventions that you can find which may inspire you to create an invention of your own during lockdown!

Year 6Sam Hickey