Year 6 Home Learning - Week Beginning 30-03-20

Year 6 - The Alien World 2 John Schoenherr.jpg

What a week! it has been brilliant to speak to so many families this week. It is so important that we stay in touch and through the amazing work that has been done on the website, there are now so many ways to do this.

I hope that the Maths I have previously posted will keep you busy over the next week, I will post some links to tutorial videos for long division and multiplication so that you have some arithmetic to complete if you so wish.

As it keeps being pointed out to me, this is a strange new world we are living in (at least for the minute). From the telephone conversations I have been having with some of you it sounds as though you are already completing a diary. I would strongly suggest that if you do nothing else, then you definitely hone your diary writing skills. This will be something to tell your children about one day! remember, as well as writing about what you have done, you should be adding in your thoughts and feelings about what is happening for future reference.

Linking with this ‘Strange New World ‘ idea, I thought that this could be the basis of a writing project for the next few weeks. I will post some images that you could use to plan out your own world. You could include different Biomes (for those of you who are fans of Minecraft - you know who you are) or simply plan a crash-landing. Think about the twists and turns your story could take, I remember a certain Sci-fi story where the strange new (and terrifying world) ends up being a future version of our Earth!

You could:

  • Write diary entries about your first days on your new planet.

  • Design a map with different civilisations on, to be included in your writing.

  • Complete a ‘Talk for Writing’ style plan for a story.

  • Act out a scene with family members playing the part of characters.

  • Design the strange new species you will encounter. will the humanoids need special clothes for their environment?

  • Create Junk models of the animals on your new world.

  • Create a translation dictionary for a new language (thinking Tolkien-esk elvish etc.)

  • Design a survival kit for life on your new planet.

  • What games would they play, you could research the Incas/Ancient Aztecs and include some of the unusual games they used to play in your writing.

  • Are there any famous people linked to your new civilisation? could you write a Biography of one (thinking Zaphod Beeblebrox)

I will include a link for your writing ITAFS as it would be really good to still have these in mind when you are writing. Choose what interests you, make the project your own. Complete your own spin-off work, D&T, Art, Computing. Free your imagination, the world is your oyster! (didn’t really ever ‘get’ that saying, I don’t like oysters!)

Have fun!!

  1. Prompt images

  2. ITAFS

Year 6Sam Hickey