Happy Easter
Height and Weight checks of Reception and Year 6 children as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)
As in previous years the Families’ Health and Wellbeing (0-19) service has been commissioned by Staffordshire County Council to deliver the National Child Measurement Programme.
We have arranged for members of the Families’ Health and Wellbeing team to visit school on Thursday 5th May 2022 to complete the height and weight measurements of children in Reception and Year 6. The checks will be carried out sensitively and in a COVID-safe way, in line with the school and local authority’s safety control measures. You can find pre-measurement letters provide further information regarding the programme here and here.
If you do not wish for your child to take part in the National Child Measurement Programme, you can “opt out” - please collect a form from the school office. If you do not complete an opt out form, we will presume that you are happy for your child to take part.
Stars of the Term
Reception: Alexandra & James
Year 1: Connie & Rex
Year 2: Ebonie & Brandon
Year 3: Ophelia & Liam
Year 4: Roxy & James
Year 5: Ruby & Ethan
Year 6: Winnie & Harry
Headteacher’s Awards: Piper & Sienna
If your child has been successful in gaining a place on a school club, then you will have received a confirmation text.
Some clubs were very popular, so unfortunately, there was not enough room for everyone.
The majority of clubs start straight after the Easter holidays.
Football Club and Hockey, however, will start the second week back (week beginning Monday 2nd May)
Attendance for the Spring Term
Little Winners: 90.81%
Little Stars: 91.75%
Reception: 90.47%
Year 1: 95.21%
Year 2: 91.57%
Year 3: 92.13%
Year 4: 91.06%
Year 5: 92.04%
Year 6: 93.95%
Whole School: 92.35%
The above percentages include Covid absences. You can see that we have been hit hard this term.
Our target for attendance is 97%, hopefully we will get closer to our target next term.
I hope you all have a lovely Easter break.
I look forward to seeing all the children back in school on Monday 25th April.
I will be updating the calendar over the Easter break.
Happy Holidays!
Early Years’ Minibeast Visit
A gentle reminder that the children should wear red jumpers to school every day, including PE days.
Our uniform supplier can be found here.
Stay well, stay safe. And let’s all stay kind.
Miss Goodson