General Election 2019

As I am sure you are aware, the government has called a general election for Thursday 12th December.

This year, the polling station will be in the Nursery building.  Therefore, there will be no Nursery provision on Thursday 12th December, however the rest of the school (Reception to Year 6) will remain OPEN as normal.

This will enable us to continue with Christmas Productions, Carol Concerts and the Christmas Fayre as planned.

If parents of Nursery children are struggling for childcare for Thursday 12th December, please contact Fae’s Childminding Service on 07849735534 or Winshillchildminding

To clarify on Thursday 12th December; the Nursery (both Little Winners and Little Stars) is closed but the rest of the school is open as normal.


If you have any questions or queries, then please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Andrea Goodson