Year 5 Topic Home Learning - 01.02.21 - 05.02.21

Hi Year 5,

I hope you are all okay. It was fantastic to see so many of you on zoom last week and to share all of your learning. A huge well done for all working so hard. I loved hearing all about your snow days!

This week is Children's Mental Health Week.  The theme this year is Express Yourself.  Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity.  This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good.  In our blog this week, you will find some activities to support your mental health and wellbeing that allow you to express yourself.  Under each heading for each day you will find an image titled ‘Mental Health Break’. I would like you to pick one of the activities from the image to complete. The point of these activities is to come away from your screens for an hour and focus on your mental wellbeing.

I hope you enjoy these activities - remember to send in any pictures so I can see what you have been doing and share them in our class gallery. It really makes me smile looking at all of the fantastic work you have been doing. You all make me incredibly proud.

On Thursday 4th February at 11am, there is also a special lesson hosted by Leanne from Severn Trent Water. Please see Miss Goodson's blog for further details. I look forward 'to ‘seeing’ you all there.

If you have any questions, please ask your adult to send me an email so I can help you with any problems.


There is a virtual assembly available on our Wellbeing page which gives more information about the week. I would like you to watch this video before completing your activities for today.

Big Question: Can I express my emotions in different ways?

This video is to support the children with their activities linking with children's mental health week on Monday 1st February.

Here is the PowerPoint explaining today’s learning activities. Please watch the video before completing today’s learning activities.

Mental Health Break

Pick one of the activities below for your Monday mental health break.

Monday mental health break.JPG


Big Question: Can I explore different online scenarios?

This video is to support the children with their learning activities on Safer Internet Day.

Today is safer internet day. The focus for this year is exploring the reliability of the online word. Reliability refers to how trustworthy something is. It is really important that we understand who and what we can and cannot trust when it comes to the internet.

Here is the PowerPoint for safer internet day. There are some different activities to complete on the PowerPoint and a video where I explain the activities and talk through the importance of online safety with you.

 Activity 1 Video Private or Public Safer Internet Fact File

When you have completed these activities, I would love to see some photos of what you have done. I can then share your fantastic work on our Year 5 Learning Gallery.

Mental Health Break

Pick one of the activities below for your Tuesday mental health break.

Tuesday mental health break.JPG

Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Religious Education (RE)

Big ?: Can I discuss the importance of the five pillars of Islam?

Here is the PowerPoint for today’s learning activity.

Mental Health Break

Pick one of the activities below for your Wednesday mental health break.

Wednesday mental health break.JPG


Physical Education (PE)

Big Question: Can I generate my own fitness circuit?

Today is going to be our final lesson focussing on circuits. For today’s lesson I would like to come up with your own fitness circuit. Your circuit must include at least 5 exercises. It is up to you how long you complete each exercise but I don’t want you to do each exercise for longer than one minute. It is also up to you how many times you repeat the circuit. Below is an example circuit to explain today’s activity:

I am going to repeat my circuit 3 times. I am going to do each exercise for 40 seconds then have a 20 second rest before beginning my next exercise. My 5 exercises are: star jumps; burpees; sit ups; press ups; high knees; and squats.

Here is a list of example exercises you might want to include in your circuit:

  • Star jumps

  • Jumping jacks

  • High knees

  • Jogging on the spot

  • Sprints

  • Press ups

  • Sit ups

  • Burpees

  • Mountain clumbers

  • Crunches

  • Lunges

  • Squats

Mental Health Break

Pick one of the activities below for your Thursday mental health break.

Thursday mental health breal.JPG



Big Question: Can I explain the importance of budgeting?

Here is the PowerPoint explaining today’s learning activities.

Budget March 2020

Shopping List

Mental Health Break

Pick one of the activities below for your Friday mental health break.

Friday mental health breal.JPG
Year 5Lydia Gallagher