Nursery Home Learning- 8th February to 12th February 2021

Hello to all of our Little Winners and Little Stars!

This week we will be continuing our theme of Space but also looking at Aliens. Rather than looking at nursery rhymes, we will be reading the books Whatever next! by Jill Murphy and Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freeman and Ben Cort . This will give us the opportunity to celebrate differences and encourage children to notice how we are all special. You can listen to these stories below:

The following activities are designed to get you thinking about Space and develop some key skills to get you ready for starting school.

  • Make a family of aliens- Draw, make or paint a number of aliens. They could all look the same, or they could all be different. With a grown-up, talk about what you like about each alien. All families are different and all families are special. Celebrate the differences and keep it positive!

  • Write some alien words- On a piece of paper, write some letters. Encourage your child to watch you write them and make some attempt to copy the shapes of the letters. Start with l and i, move onto s and t and then c, o and a. Praise any attempts at mark making that your child makes. It is all good practise!

  • Make tea for an alien- Pretend that an alien is coming for tea. What would you put in a sandwich for them? Encourage your child to make the sandwich, with support from a grown-up. Support them in spreading the butter but encourage them to “have a go”.

  • Role- play- Use a box or basket to use as a rocket. Pretend that you are going into space. What planet are you going to visit? What is it like there? Can you have a carpet picnic on that planet? How does it feel being in space?

  • Create a character- Use an alien that you have made or choose one from these pictures. Can you give them a name? Create a family for them. Where do they live? What do they enjoy doing? What are they scared of? Tell each other stories about your alien. Use stories, films and everyday experiences that you child has to help develop these ideas.

The Best Dress Ever

Watch the video below. It is a book all about 3 aliens, read by Mrs Williams! Then complete the activities below.

Read by Mrs Williams

  • Design a dress for one of the aliens- You may choose to use pencils, pens or glue and sequins. Whatever you can find, use it to decorate the dress. We would love to see them so don’t forget to send them into the gallery.

  • Days of the week- Continue to practise your days of the week. What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? What day will it be tomorrow? Can you remember the days of the week song that we sing at nursery? Sing it to your family or watch another song here:

  • Talk to a friend or relative- In the story, Zid, Yoff and Mab are all good friends. Who are your friends? What are their names? What do you like to play with them? With an adult, call, FaceTime or Zoom call a friend. They would love to hear from you! Don’t forget to join our zoom call this week and see your friends there too!


This week in phonics, we will continue finding words that start with different initial sounds. At this stage, your child may not be ready to recognise the letter and that is absolutely fine! It is good for them, however, to start to think about sounds that they hear in words. This can all be done through games and in everyday situations. We would not expect them to sit down for long periods of time.



This week we will be continuing to look at shapes. Can you name any shapes? How many sides do they have? How many vertices? Watch the video below and look at 3D shapes. 3D shapes are solid. They have faces too. How many faces do they have? What shape is each face?

  • Shape hunt- Go on a shape hunt. What 2D, flat shapes can you find? What 3D, solid shapes can you find? Make a collection of each shape: circles, triangles, squares, rectangles and cubes, cuboids, spheres and cylinders.

  • Make a shape alien- Cut out different shapes and encourage your child to put them together to make an alien. Talk about the shapes as you are making it. Count the sides and the vertices (corners). Discuss that it is a flat shape and name it.

Stay Active

Don’t forget to stay active, keep on moving and build your strength. Go for a walk, dance in the kitchen to your favourite music or watch the videos below:

Story Time

Read, read read! Develop a love of books from an early age. Look at pictures and point out print. As you read to your child, talk about where we start reading (at the top on the left). Talk about where the book is set and who is in the story; the characters. How are they feeling throughout the story? Please get in touch if you would like to borrow some books as this can be arranged.

We hope that you have a fantastic week. Thank you for all of your pictures and messages. We love to hear from you all!

Stay safe and have fun!

The Winshill Village Nursery Team

NurseryCaroline Williams