Year 5 Home Learning - Week beginning 6th July and 13th July
Hello to my amazing Year 5 class. I hope you are all well. It has been lovely speaking to some of you over the past few weeks and it has been great to receive messages from some of you. Isla, thank you for your lovely message, I have passed on your messages and I am really glad to hear that you are looking forward to learning with your friends again. Jasmine, it was great to hear that you are really enjoying the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tasks and don’t worry, I have been wearing suncream! I am looking forward to being able to see you all again soon.
I mentioned our podcast ‘No Limits’ in my blog last week. This podcast is an opportunity for you to do some shoutouts for your friends, tell some jokes and just have some fun. Episodes are released weekly and if you would like to record a shout out or a joke, information on how to do so and how to send it in are on the page.
Next week, we will be conducting a zoom call between the Year 5 children currently in school and those who are not. This will be taking place on Thursday 9th July at 1:30pm. More information regarding the zoom call can be found on the blog Year 5 Zoom Meeting.
Below are your home learning tasks for the next 2 weeks. I know that it is difficult to keep motivated and keep going at the moment but completing some learning on a weekly basis will support you when you come back to school. It would be great if we could all be completing some learning on a weekly basis. Remember, you don’t have to complete the learning tasks I am setting you on this blog, there are lots of different learning websites and links on the Year 5 class page.
Reading challenge
Below is an image of the characters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and 5 different sweets. Your reading task this week is to use your prediction skills to predict which character would suit each sweet. I would only like you to focus on the following characters: Vercua Salt, Mike Teevee, Charlie Bucket, Augustus Gloop and Violet Beauregarde. I would then like you to explain why you have predicted what you have. That means that you should be using the subordinating conjunction because! There is a link below which shows you an image of each character, this might help to support you with your predictions.
Year 5 characters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 03.07.20
Art Challenge
For your art challenge this week, I would like you have a go at completing some sketches. It is up to you what you would like to sketch, it might be an object from around your house or it could be something you spot outside.
Here is a link to a video which shows you an example of some sketching.
Maths Challenges
Challenge 1: TT rockstars
I would like to continue practicing your timestables by having a go on TT rockstars this week. I would like you to go onto studio so you are practicing improving your speed when answering questions.
Challenge 2: Time
Your second Maths challenge this week is to practice both reading and writing the time on analogue and digital clocks. There are three different challenges, it is up to you which challenge you decide to complete, however make sure that it is a challenge that will support you with your learning.
Challenge 3: Do you agree or disagree with Richard?
Spelling challenge
Spelling focus: short vowel double consonant
Spelling activity: Finding definitions
Can you use to find definitions for the following vocabulary? Remember, you need to word the definition in a way which you understand, don’t just copy it straight from the dictionary.
Spelling words: aggressive community according communicate attached accommodate
Handwriting Challenge
Joining the letters f and o
Can you copy the joining of f and o in your neatest handwriting?
Extra challenge: Can you write 5 of your own sentences using your handwriting words from this week?
English Challenges
Challenge 1: Similes
Remember, a simile is where we compare something to something else. We often use like or as when writing a simile.
Example: The boy was as round as a tennis ball.
Can you come up with 3 of your own similes?
Challenge 2: Planning a character description
Your second writing challenge this week is to write a character description. You are going to create your own character for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. There are some names below to support you with generating your character. Once you have chosen your characters name, you need to create a plan to support you with your writing. I have attached an example of how you might set out your plan below.
I expect you to include at least 1 of our statutory spellings per paragraph and one simile per paragraph.
Year 5 character names 03.07.20
Year 5 example planning proforma 03.07.20
Year 5 statutory spellings 03.07.20
Challenge 3: Character description
Your third writing challenge this week it to write a character description based on the character you planned in activity 2. Remember to include the following when writing your character description:
· Paragraphs
· Adjectives
· A variety of punctuation – , ? ! ( ) -
· A variety of sentence starters
· Capital letters for the name of your character
· Similes
Below is an example of a character description to support you. Remember to use for your spellings and to support you with finding some fantastic vocabulary.
Year 5 character description example 03.07.20
Health and Wellbeing challenge
For your health and wellbeing challenge this week, I would like you to think of positive comments about yourself. I would like you to draw a portrait of yourself and write examples of things that you like about yourself around your portrait. This might be something along the lines of, I am a good friend, I am a fantastic artist, I am supportive. You all have lots of amazing qualities, so there is no excuse for anyone to not come up with something positive! You are all brilliant.
Stay safe, stay positive and keep smiling.
Miss Twigger