Year 5 Home Learning - Week beginning 27-04-20

Hello Year 5! I hope you are well and have been enjoying the sunshine. It has been lovely to speak to some of you on the phone over the past couple of weeks and it has been great receiving messages from some of you. It’s lovely to hear about all the amazing things you have been getting up to.

I would just like to say how proud I am of each and every one of you. When I have spoken to children on the phone, you have all been so positive, which is amazing. I am also impressed with all the fantastic learning I can see taking place through the Home Learning showcase. Kaden, your research on Earthquakes was fantastic, well done! Erin, your science experiment looked fantastic and Chloe your rocket is amazing! You are all dealing with the current circumstances really well and making the most of this experience, you should all be really proud of yourselves.

Below are your home learning activities for this week. Please remember that you do not have to complete these learning tasks, they are optional. I have included some websites such as teacher’s pet, BBC Bitesize, Phunky Foods and Classroom secrets on the main learning page as they are also uploading weekly home learning tasks.

Reading challenge

Your reading challenge this week is to draw inferences from images. You are going to explain what you know, what you think and what you wonder.


Inference example image 27.04.20.PNG
Inferene example 27.04.20.PNG

Remember to use a subordinating conjunction when explaining what you think and what you wonder.

Here is the link to the images for you to draw inferences from: Year 5 inference images 27.04.20.

Art Challenge

Your Art challenge this week is to design yourself as a superhero. You need to design your famous outfit that you would wear when saving the world, come up with a great superhero name and list any characteristics you would have.

If you would like some support with generating some ideas, here is a link to a few examples: Year 5 Superhero examples 27.04.20.

Maths Challenges

Challenge 1: Place Value

Challenge 2: Multiplying unit and non-unit fractions by an integer

Integer – A positive number

Non-unit fraction – A fraction with a numerator greater than 1

Unit fraction – A fraction with a numerator of 1

Remember when multiplying a fraction by an integer the denominator does NOT change.

I would like you to use a bar model when solving these calculations. If you need some support remembering how to use the bar model to solve multiplying fractions, click on the links below.

Year 5 multiplying unit fractions 27.04.20

Year 5 multiplying non-unit fractions 27.04.20

1. 1/7 x 5 =          2. 1/9 x 7 =           3. 1/5 x 6 =           4. 1/3 x 8 =           5. 1/6 x 4 =

6. 1/7 x 10 =        7. 1/5 x 7 =            8. 1/8 x 15 =         9. 1/3 x 2 =           10. 1/8 x 19 =

11. 3/5 x 6 =        12. 6/7 x 4 =          13. 4/9 x 5 =        14. 2/4 x 6 =         15. 6/8 x 4 =

16. 9/12 x 3 =      17. 3/6 x 4 =          18. 4/5 x 7 =        19. 2/3 x 8 =         20. 7/8 x 5 =

Challenge 3: Do you agree or disagree with Richard?

Richard problem 27.04.20.PNG

Spelling challenge

Spelling focus: shus sound

Spelling activity: Year 5 Spelling 27.04.20

Handwriting Challenge

Joining the letters l and t

Here is the link to your handwriting challenge: Year 5 Handwriting 27.04.20

Can you copy the joining of l and t in your neatest handwriting?

Extra challenge: Can you write 5 of your own sentences using your handwriting words from this week.

English Challenges

Challenge 1: Can you identify all the word classes in the sentence below?

My friend, who is an amazing singer, sang in our class assembly last week.

Challenge 2: Adverbs  

Your challenge this week is to practise identifying and using adverbs. Here is the link to your 2nd challenge: Year 5 adverbs 27.04.20.

Challenge 3: Diary Entry

For your 3rd English challenge this week, I would like you to write a diary entry. I would like you to write about what you have been up to over the past couple of weeks. You might have a favourite activity or day in mind that you would like to write about. It is your choice. To support you with your diary entries, here are some examples of diary entries and a list of features to include when writing a diary entry.

Year 5 Diary entry examples 27.04.20

Year 5 features of a diary entry 27.04.20

Health and Wellbeing challenge

Your health and wellbeing challenge this week is to set yourself a new goal or challenge. Remember, you might not have achieved your new goal or challenge by the end of the week but that’s okay, it takes time to achieve our goals and challenges. I have set myself a challenge of becoming a better baker and that is going to take some practice!

Here are some examples of goals or challenges

  • Learn a new dance

  • Learn to tie shoe laces

  • Practise baking

  • Practise a skill such as drawing

  • Learn to ride a bike

If you would like to share your goal or challenge with me, you can do so by either taking a photo for the Homelearning showcase or sending me a message through the website. I am excited to see what goals and challenges you set yourselves!

Stay safe, look after yourselves and keep smiling.

Miss Twigger

Year 5Jessie Twigger