Year 3 Home Learning - Week Beginning 27.04.2020

Hello again to my fabulous Year 3 class. It’s hard to believe that I haven’t seen you all in 5 weeks but it was lovely talking to so many of you on the phone and listening to all the things you have been doing whilst school is closed.

Thank you Chloe for sending me the recipe for you Easter nest cakes. I have included the ingredients on my shopping list and am looking forward to making them. I might include a photo once I’ve done but I don’t think they will look as good as yours. I am missing you all a lot so please keep sending your messages as they really cheer me up.

Year 3 Gallery:

From the photos you have been sharing on the Home Learning Showcase it looks like you have all been working really hard and having lots of fun learning and spending some quality family time. Scarlett, your sewing creations are amazing and I am sure they will look great hanging up around the house. Chloe, your rainbow is beautiful. It brightened up my day seeing it and the cloud buttons were a brilliant idea. Autumn and Chloe, your Tudor factfiles were excellent. You both included some very interesting facts and they were beautifully presented. Lillie, your sponge cake looked delicious. Thank you for the instructions as I can now recreate it for myself at home. Violet, you have been very busy. The glass fusion looks fabulous and I am looking forward to seeing it when it becomes a pendant. I am liking the look of your maths work, it seems it was keeping you very busy. How much money was in the bottle altogether? Autumn and Harrison , your files about Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII are excellent and both very informative. It also looks like you have been very busy in the garden Harrison, you might need to give me some tips as I’m not particularly good at gardening. Remember to keep sharing your photos to the Home Learning Showcase for your chance to appear in next weeks gallery.

For your home learning this week we will be continuing to think about the Tudors. I have included a link to the Horrible Histories song to help you learn the names of Henry VIII’s six wives and what happened to them.


For your writing task this week I would like you to find out about Henry VIII and write a description about him.

You will need to write about his appearance, including clothes he wore, and his personality. You may even want to include some of his likes and dislikes.

Remember to include:

  • Expanded noun phrases - 2 adjectives describing a noun that are separated by a comma

  • Interesting vocabulary (maybe you could use a dictionary or thesaurus to help)

  • Different punctuation.

  • Subordinate and coordinating conjunctions - for example because/but

Reading: This week I would like you to complete a reading comprehension all about the Tudors.

  1. The Tudors


During our spelling sessions we have been learning about different prefixes. Can you write a list of words that have the prefixes sub, super and anti at the beginning of them. How many can you find?


This week we will continue with the White Rose maths fractions - Week 4

Maths Challenge: Worded Problems

I have included a set of addition and subtraction word problems. **Underline the important information as this will help you work out the operation you need use to find the answer. **

Remember the strategies we have learnt. You can draw base 10, use a bar model/part whole model or use column addition and subtraction. Select the method that you prefer but don’t forget to show your working.


Art - During Tudor times, there were no cameras but the rich people wanted future generations to remember what they looked like. For this reason they used to employ artists to paint portraits of themselves and would they would usually be dressed in their finest clothes. This was also to make sure people knew how wealthy they were.

This week I would like you to draw a portrait of someone in your house. Maybe you could take a photo of them and use this to help you. Look at the features of their face, remember to use the correct colours for their eyes, hair and skin tone.

Please remember that these are suggestions and there are no expectations for you to complete all of the activities I have set.

Please remember to continue to share your work on the Home Learning Showcase and send me a message as they really help to brighten my day. Take care of yourselves and your family and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Stay safe Year 3!

Mrs Dickerson